
Diversity For Boards

Article by
Keith Shering

Years ago, I remember reading a very resonant quote about the pressures, fast pace and changing demands of modern life.

I wish I could remember where I read it, as it has resolutely stayed with me. The reason for the longevity of this memory is that the quote was over a thousand years old, having been penned by a Roman (or possibly Greek) citizen.*

The changes might change, but change has been with us forever.

We know from our projects and own experience that boards need to advise and steer their organisations through change, to avoid being blind-sided and to seize opportunities. Change is best seen through fresh eyes, because diverse perspectives bring different interpretations. Different pitfalls and possibilities.

Adding true diversity of thinking onto Aotearoa New Zealand’s boards is a hot topic right now.

I work at Redvespa, a business consultancy of 80+ people with well over a dozen nationalities represented, and a spread of ages and gender identification. We are made of diversity. And still, we need and want to understand our board and SLT level blind spots. That made us wonder if other businesses and organisations feel the same way.

So we’re doing what we do, and turning a burning question into insight.

We’d love to get your views on a few pertinent questions related to diversity of thinking and Boards. As a quid pro quo for participants, we’ll share an exec summary of findings directly with you before we publish the research report.

So I invite you to consider a few provocations from the research that’s out there, answer nine quick questions on your views on diversity on boards, and then tell us a bit about your situation with some demographic questions.

I’d love to know where we see eye-to-eye, and where our differences lie.

Take the research survey

(After you’ve shared your thoughts, we’ll leave you with the list of sources referred to in the research too, for your further reading if you are interested).

Keith Shering- Chief Impact Officer

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