From two complex systems, to one unified solution.

How Z Energy transitioned from having two separate fuel cards to the new Z Business card.

Where they were

Two card systems that needed to become one

Following the acquisition of Caltex, Z Energy found themselves supporting two fuel cards on two separate systems. They needed to first transition Caltex’s StarCard onto the same transaction authorisation system as Z Card, before then moving a total of 300,000 cardholders across to their new Z Business card. The main requirement; that customers were not impacted by the system change and the issuing of replacement cards. From day one, the new Z Business card needed to deliver the benefit of one card that operated at both Caltex and Z fuel sites.

What it took

The value of trusted partnerships

Needing Business Analysts with knowledge relating to fuel payment processing, Z Energy reached out to Redvespa. This was with the knowledge Redvespa understood this requirement and could quickly assist in providing consultants who had the right skills and expertise to quickly grasp its highly complex nature.

"Redvespa is my go to place to solve a problem. Every time I need somebody on a fast turnaround, they provide the right type of person for the role, literally within minutes."

Robynne Lee, Programme Manager, Z Energy

Where they got to

Couldn't have been more successful

Despite being one of Z Energy’s biggest, most complex and high-risk projects to date, the gradual move to a universal card went exceptionally smoothly. Due to a staggered approach, rather than a big bang, the transition to one system went relatively unnoticed by customers, and the transition to one card went wonderfully noticed by all.

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