From disrupted workforce, to distributed workplace.

How Triquestra emerged from lockdown empowered to work from anywhere.

Where they were

Coming out of lockdown

Coming out of Lockdown and managing a new dynamic between the needs of the business, its people, and its clients, Triquestra asked, do we need our staff in the office to do their work, to live our culture, to provide the same high-level service our customers are used to?

What it took

Working together with experience

Redvespa is experienced in managing culture remotely - it’s a necessary part of our way of working - so we could bring that experience to the conversation with Triquestra.

Our relationship with Triquestra ensured we could use these skills and our experience to bring the best out of their own skills and experience.

Redvespa Consultants explored Triquestra needs and applied a range of solutions, developed in consultation with Triquestra’s team.

"We have had very good experience with Redvespa, and a very good relationship, and we know that their people are expert in this field."

Kelly Brown, CEO, Triquestra

Where they got to

Working from anywhere without compromise

With a number of practical recommendations in front of them, Triquestra were able to trial new ways of working and new processes. They were also able to measure the impact this had on their team, their clients, and their business.

Want to know the specifics?

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