From dream, to done.

How Redvespa turned their own vision into actions, using agile principles.

Where they were

They had a vision, but now what?

Redvespa CEO, Sarah Gibson, and her team had new vision and strategic pillars. Her staff were on board, but now what? Sarah wanted to turn these seemingly lofty goals into things her employees could actually do. How was she going to figure these out? And how were her already busy consultants going to get involved?

What it took

Treating their own business like a client

An Internal Business Analyst to Redvespa, decided it was time to “eat our own dog food”. With experience in agile thinking, she helped the leadership team break down their strategic pillars into ‘Epics’ (large pieces of work) and further into ‘User Stories’ (small pieces of work). This created actions, aligned to strategy, that employees could do in a few days when between client jobs.

"In the first 8 months of implementing agile, we achieved more than we had in the previous 2 years."

Sarah Gibson, Redvespa

Where they got to

Finally, a vision that feels alive

Treating strategy with agility, has given Redvespa dynamism. Small doable pieces of work have allowed for quick change and organic redefining of what the strategic pillars mean. With visual Kanban boards and sophisticated Jira tracking, employees now see how their actions align with strategy, downtime feels utilised, skills are harnessed, and the vision feels like a path they’re already walking.

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