My superpower is


Imagination is the superpower inherent in every kid that, somehow, seems to wither in the face of its own kryptonite: adulthood. We’re here to say, hold tight. Imagination is a superpower to rule them all, unleashing creative and innovative potential in every setting, no matter the universe.

You're going to use it...

Using your imagination can look a little casual, a little too relaxed. It’s observation and reflection, notepads and sketches, staring off into the distance thinking about … Wait. What was it we were thinking about?

Oh yeah, imagination. Your superpower.

Because of those reasons - the observation and the sketches - the sweet spot for imagination might just be using it tomorrow. If it is, the place to be using it is in the education and training universe. Looking ahead over the next decade, they’re crying out for imaginative superheroes.

The education sector is in a unique position when it comes to imagination. See, the story often goes that imagination is something we all have as kids, but which is lost as adults. In an industry where kids are the major customers, that feels like a huge disconnect.

That’s why, as they build the leaders of tomorrow, it’s so important for this sector to bring in imaginative leaders. We’ve worked closely with education providers and we know how future-focused they are and how imaginative they need to be.

Where else could unleashing your superpower lead to the creation of the next generation of superheroes?

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